Our little girl turned 4 at the end of July and this was here first birthday here in Germany. We gave her a couple options for what she wanted to do on her birthday weekend. She choose to go to Sea Life in Munich. The aquarium was nice and the kids really had a good time seeing the fish and sharks but we all thought it was small. The kids wanted to see more when we were done. It is also set up so you go in and walk around in the same direction as everyone else and then your just done, no warning nothing your just in the gift shop. I had looked on the website and knew there were sharks which yes there were plenty small to medium one but it also showed there would be sea turtles and octopi. Well there was one sea turtle and he didn't care much for the view spots and I completely missed the octopus. My husband saw it I guess and said it was a small one. That was disappointing.

The really cool part of Sea Life was the tank with the rays and some fish. It was an open tank so you could look in the top and touch the water even though I don't think you were suppose to. There was a lady talking about them but it was in German so we didn't pay attention. One of the rays really loved all the attention though. It was sticking its "head" out of the water and swimming up to people. It swam right up but Harper and looked at her. I thought that was very cool.

For her birthday supper we took her to Colmburg Castle which is only about 20-30 minutes outside of Ansbach. Harper is very much into princesses so we thought it was only fitting for her to celebrate her birthday at a castle. She loved it! We all got dressed up to go even though it isn't a fancy place and most people were dresses casually. Harper chose to wear one of her princess dresses and picked out my "princess" dress and daddy's prince shirt. I know that it made her feel special to get all dressed up and go out for her birthday. The food there is traditional German. The menu is more specialized with a few appetizers, a couple soups and handful of entrees and a couple desserts. Prices were little above average I would say. Even with a smaller menu the food was very good.

The castle is also a hotel along with the restaurant. We are thinking it may be cool to stay there for a little staycation sometime. Maybe for Harper's birthday next year or something. It is definitely something she would remember and not something you get the opportunity to do very often.
Overall, I would say she had a great birthday weekend with her adventures.
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