Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Last week we moved Waylon out of our room and into her crib in the room he shares with Harper. He is doing really well in there. He has started sleeping 7-8 hours at a time most nights. I am loving it although I do not get 7-8 in a row since I go to bed about 2 hours after him it is still a nice welcomed change. Since he is only waking up once around 4 or 5am then he will sleep until Harper gets up and usually I can get her started on breakfast and then get him out of his crib while he is still pretty much asleep. The other thing I am really glad about is when he wakes up and is crying Harper doesn't wake up.

Harper has started going in the potty both #1 and #2 in the toilet. She rarely has accidents and has even had a couple of days with no accidents. Now that we are pretty much done day training Harper we are going to start thinking about and considering how we are going to go about night training her. That could take some time and I would prefer if Colby was here at night before we take the diapers away from Harper. It could definitely be hard for me with Waylon and her waking up if she wets her bed. Having help with that would be really nice. Another thing we are trying now that she is pretty much potty trained is getting her to stop sucking her thumb. It is really hard and she cried a lot more the first couple of days. She still doesn't like it but is getting better. We put bandaids on her thumb and tell her she has an owie, which is true because she is getting a blister there. She loves getting the bandaids put on but can get them off when she really tries for a while. I do think we are making progress though because today on our way home from the grocery store she was able to fall asleep without sucking her thumb. And then tonight after her bath she wanted me to put her bandaid on so I did and she was able to go to bed without taking it off and sucking her thumb and she didn't even cry for more then like 15 or 20 minutes.

Colby was able to interview for a day position at the same company he currently works for. He will know by tomorrow if he got the position. It would be GREAT to have him on days and on the same schedule as the kids and I. However, he is trying to get his brother, Austin, a job there but it would be on nights. It would be nice for Austin, if he gets the job, to be on the same shift as Colby. Neither Colby or I would want him to give up that day position just to be on the same shift as Austin. Yes, he would get paid less being on days but he has the opportunity for a pay raise soon at his 1 year and to both of us it is worth losing some income. I might have to get a part time job to help out but that wouldn't be so bad. I could also try to get more Pampered Chef shows going.

We did add another expense. We ended up buying a very nice truck, well to us its really nice. We've had it for a little over a week. It has been nice because it has remote start and plenty of space for everyone. The one down fall is it doesn't get great gas milage. The gas tank is also huge so it takes a lot to fill it up. Gas prices are so high right now too. I am fearing taking the truck to Kansas here in a couple weeks but I know we need the space and we both kind of want to show it off haha.

I am doing something for me now too. I am really concentrated on losing this baby weight. The majority of my weight is from Harper. I have lost all the weight plus some that I gained with Waylon. I want to be back down to my pre harper pregnancy weight before the wedding in September. I have been counting calories with a tracker on my phone which is really helpful. I have also been doing my Just Dance Wii game. Harper loves to do it with me too. I like doing my zumba too but I don't do it as much. I want to do it more. I have been thinking that I need to start doing more toning exercises too. I want to loose the stomach flab. I want to lose weight but I also want to loose inches. I want to feel good about how I look and think I look good when I look in the mirror. I know this will come and I have been loosing weight and staying there instead of going down and then back up a couple pounds. I really hope I can keep this up. Colby is trying to do it with me so that helps to have someone to almost keep you on track. I want us to both be the best we can be and this is a huge step in that.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Proud Momma

Today I really felt like a proud mommy. First Harper. I think she is about 90% potty trained. She will tell us almost all the time when she has to go #1 but we are still working on #2. She has been having several days in a row now with no accidents or just one, most of those are pooping in her pant. Last night she got up in the middle of the night, still dry, and told me she needed to go potty and went! She was still wet when she woke up but the night training is suppose to take longer but last night was a good start. Another big accomplishment tonight happened tonight for her. We were in town bringing Colby supper during his overtime shift and she said she had to go potty. Well the easiest was to just go home and hope she didn't pee her pants before me got there. I was very concerned because she kept saying "potty, potty, potty" and I would tell her we were going there right now and to hold it. Sure enough by the time we got home, which is like 20 minutes, she was still dry and went in the potty. Along with doing super well with potty training she is also developing her language. She will say 2 word sentences, says please and thank you and will repeat what you say a lot. She is miss independent and attitude though. She will tell me no when I tell her to do something and doesn't listen very well most of the time. But hey she is only 18 months so we should only expect so much.

Waylon is 2 months now. Man where has those two months gone!! He is lifting his head up with pretty good control. He loves to smile and coo at us, which is so adorable. We had his 2 month check today. He is a chunky monkey. He is 13 lbs and in the 82nd percentile. He is short though and has a small head. He had his shots today too which he handled very well. The one thing I hope he gets soon is a schedule. He doesn't really have a schedule especially at night. Some nights he sleeps really well for 4-5 hours and then others he will be up every 2 hours. He will fall asleep on his own though if you put him in his crib a little bit awake. Tomorrow night we are going to try moving him out of our room. Harper slept longer once we moved her into her own room so I am hoping he will do the same. I am concerned though because he will be in the same room as Harper. I hope Waylon doesn't wake Harper up or the other way. We will just have to see how it goes.

Another huge change for us is we are trying to buy a house. We have a lot of student loans so getting a house loan has proven to be challenging. We are also debating whether to buy a different house with some land or putting a new house on the land we already live on. We are thinking it might take a while to get a loan or at least until we either bring in more money or take out some of our debt. Colby has also been really wanted a truck. We found we that is really nice. We are thinking about trading in our SUV and then using most of our tax refund to pay for a truck. I really hope this will work out in the end. I would like to take some of our refund and put it into savings and some towards students loans.  Things will work out and hopefully we can get both a new house and a truck.